Sunday, May 8, 2016

Quran Chapter 60

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. O you who believe! Do not take My enemies and your enemies for supporters, offering them affection, when they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the Truth. They have expelled the Messenger, and you, because you believed in God, your Lord. If you have mobilized to strive for My cause, seeking My approval, how can you secretly love them? I know what you conceal and what you reveal. Whoever among you does that has strayed from the right way.
2. Whenever they encounter you, they treat you as enemies, and they stretch their hands and tongues against you with malice. They wish that you would disbelieve.
3. Neither your relatives nor your children will benefit you on the Day of Resurrection. He will separate between you. God is Observant of what you do.
4. You have had an excellent example in Abraham and those with him; when they said to their people, "We are quit of you, and what you worship apart from God. We denounce you. Enmity and hatred has surfaced between us and you, forever, until you believe in God alone." Except for the words of Abraham to his father, "I will ask forgiveness for you, though I have no power from God to do anything for you." "Our Lord, in You we trust, and to You we repent, and to You is the ultimate resort.
5. Our Lord, do not make us a target for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord. You are indeed the Mighty and Wise."
6. There is an excellent example in them for you-for anyone who seeks God and the Last Day. But whoever turns away-God is the Self-Sufficient, the Most Praised.
7. Perhaps God will plant affection between you and those of them you consider enemies. God is Capable. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
8. As for those who have not fought against you for your religion, nor expelled you from your homes, God does not prohibit you from dealing with them kindly and equitably. God loves the equitable.
9. But God prohibits you from befriending those who fought against you over your religion, and expelled you from your homes, and aided in your expulsion. Whoever takes them for friends-these are the wrongdoers.
10. O you who believe! When believing women come to you emigrating, test them. God is Aware of their faith. And if you find them to be faithful, do not send them back to the unbelievers. They are not lawful for them, nor are they lawful for them. But give them what they have spent. You are not at fault if you marry them, provided you give them their compensation. And do not hold on to ties with unbelieving women, but demand what you have spent, and let them demand what they have spent. This is the rule of God; He rules among you. God is Knowing and Wise.
11. If any of your wives desert you to the unbelievers, and you decide to penalize them, give those whose wives have gone away the equivalent of what they had spent. And fear God, in whom you are believers.
12. O prophet! If believing women come to you, pledging allegiance to you, on condition that they will not associate anything with God, nor steal, nor commit adultery, nor kill their children, nor commit perjury as to parenthood, nor disobey you in anything righteous, accept their allegiance and ask God's forgiveness for them. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
13. O you who believe! Do not befriend people with whom God has become angry, and have despaired of the Hereafter, as the faithless have despaired of the occupants of the graves.

Quran in English Chapter 57

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Glorifying God is everything in the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty, the Wise.
2. To Him belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, and He has power over all things.
3. He is the First and the Last, and the Outer and the Inner, and He has knowledge of all things.
4. It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then settled over the Throne. He knows what penetrates into the earth, and what comes out of it, and what descends from the sky, and what ascends to it. And He is with you wherever you may be. God is Seeing of everything you do.
5. To Him belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth, and to God all matters are referred.
6. He merges the night into the day, and He merges the day into the night; and He knows what the hearts contains.
7. Believe in God and His Messenger, and spend from what He made you inherit. Those among you who believe and give will have a great reward.
8. What is the matter with you that you do not believe in God, when the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord, and He has received a pledge from you, if you are believers?
9. It is He who sends down upon His servant clear revelations, to bring you out of darkness into the light. God is Gentle towards you, Most Compassionate.
10. And why is it that you do not spend in the cause of God, when to God belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Not equal among you are those who contributed before the conquest, and fought. Those are higher in rank than those who contributed afterwards, and fought. But God promises both a good reward. God is Well Experienced in what you do.
11. Who is he who will lend God a loan of goodness, that He may double it for him, and will have a generous reward?
12. On the Day when you see the believing men and believing women-their light radiating ahead of them, and to their right: "Good news for you today: gardens beneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever. That is the great triumph."
13. On the Day when the hypocritical men and hypocritical women will say to those who believed, "Wait for us; let us absorb some of your light." It will be said, "Go back behind you, and seek light." A wall will be raised between them, in which is a door; within it is mercy, and outside it is agony.
14. They will call to them, "Were we not with you?" They will say, "Yes, but you cheated your souls, and waited, and doubted, and became deluded by wishful thinking, until the command of God arrived; and arrogance deceived you regarding God."
15. "Therefore, today no ransom will be accepted from you, nor from those who disbelieved. The Fire is your refuge. It is your companion-what an evil fate!"
16. Is it not time for those who believe to surrender their hearts to the remembrance of God, and to the truth that has come down, and not be like those who were given the Book previously, but time became prolonged for them, so their hearts hardened, and many of them are sinners?
17. Know that God revives the earth after its death. We thus explain the revelations for you, so that you may understand.
18. The charitable men and charitable women, who have loaned God a loan of righteousness-it will be multiplied for them, and for them is a generous reward.
19. Those who believe in God and His messengers-these are the sincere and the witnesses with their Lord; they will have their reward and their light. But as for those who disbelieve and deny Our revelations-these are the inmates of the Blaze.
20. Know that the worldly life is only play, and distraction, and glitter, and boasting among you, and rivalry in wealth and children. It is like a rainfall that produces plants, and delights the disbelievers. But then it withers, and you see it yellowing, and then it becomes debris. While in the Hereafter there is severe agony, and forgiveness from God, and acceptance. The life of this world is nothing but enjoyment of vanity.
21. Race towards forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers. That is the grace of God; He bestows it on whomever He wills. God is the Possessor of Immense Grace.
22. No calamity occurs on earth, or in your souls, but it is in a Book, even before We make it happen. That is easy for God.
23. That you may not sorrow over what eludes you, nor exult over what He has given you. God does not love the proud snob.
24. Those who are stingy, and induce people to be stingy. Whoever turns away-God is the Independent, the Praiseworthy.
25. We sent Our messengers with the clear proofs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Balance, that humanity may uphold justice. And We sent down iron, in which is violent force, and benefits for humanity. That God may know who supports Him and His messengers invisibly. God is Strong and Powerful.
26. We sent Noah and Abraham, and established in their line Prophethood and the Scripture. Some of them are guided, but many of them are sinners.
27. Then We sent in their wake Our messengers, and followed up with Jesus son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel, and instilled in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But as for the monasticism which they invented-We did not ordain it for them-only to seek God's approval. But they did not observe it with its due observance. So We gave those of them who believed their reward, but many of them are sinful.
28. O you who believe! Fear God, and believe in His Messenger: He will give you a double portion of His mercy, and will give you a light by which you walk, and will forgive you. God is Forgiving and Merciful.
29. That the People of the Book may know that they have no power whatsoever over God's grace, and that all grace is in God's hand; He gives it to whomever He wills. God is Possessor of Great Grace.

Quran in English Chapter 56

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. When the inevitable occurs.
2. Of its occurrence, there is no denial.
3. Bringing low, raising high.
4. When the earth is shaken with a shock.
5. And the mountains are crushed and crumbled.
6. And they become scattered dust.
7. And you become three classes.
8. Those on the Right-what of those on the Right?
9. And those on the Left-what of those on the Left?
10. And the forerunners, the forerunners.
11. Those are the nearest.
12. In the Gardens of Bliss.
13. A throng from the ancients.
14. And a small band from the latecomers.
15. On luxurious furnishings.
16. Reclining on them, facing one another.
17. Serving them will be immortalized youth.
18. With cups, pitchers, and sparkling drinks.
19. Causing them neither headache, nor intoxication.
20. And fruits of their choice.
21. And meat of birds that they may desire.
22. And lovely companions.
23. The likenesses of treasured pearls.
24. As a reward for what they used to do.
25. Therein they will hear no nonsense, and no accusations.
26. But only the greeting: "Peace, peace."
27. And those on the Right-what of those on the Right?
28. In lush orchards.
29. And sweet-smelling plants.
30. And extended shade.
31. And outpouring water.
32. And abundant fruit.
33. Neither withheld, nor forbidden.
34. And uplifted mattresses.
35. We have created them of special creation.
36. And made them virgins.
37. Tender and un-aging.
38. For those on the Right.
39. A throng from the ancients.
40. And a throng from the latecomers.
41. And those on the Left-what of those on the Left?
42. Amid searing wind and boiling water.
43. And a shadow of thick smoke.
44. Neither cool, nor refreshing.
45. They had lived before that in luxury.
46. And they used to persist in immense wrongdoing.
47. And they used to say, "When we are dead and turned into dust and bones, are we to be resurrected?
48. And our ancient ancestors too?"
49. Say, "The first and the last.
50. Will be gathered for the appointment of a familiar Day."
51. Then you, you misguided, who deny the truth.
52. Will be eating from the Tree of Bitterness.
53. Will be filling your bellies with it.
54. Will be drinking on top of it boiling water.
55. Drinking like thirsty camels drink.
56. That is their hospitality on the Day of Retribution.
57. We created you-if only you would believe!
58. Have you seen what you ejaculate?
59. Is it you who create it, or are We the Creator?
60. We have decreed death among you, and We will not be outstripped.
61. In replacing you with your likes, and transforming you into what you do not know.
62. You have known the first formation; if only you would remember.
63. Have you seen what you cultivate?
64. Is it you who make it grow, or are We the Grower?
65. If We will, We can turn it into rubble; then you will lament.
66. "We are penalized.
67. No, we are being deprived."
68. Have you seen the water you drink?
69. Is it you who sent it down from the clouds, or are We the Sender?
70. If We will, We can make it salty. Will you not be thankful?
71. Have you seen the fire you kindle?
72. Is it you who produce its tree, or are We the Producer?
73. We have made it a reminder, and a comfort for the users.
74. So glorify the Name of your Great Lord.
75. I swear by the locations of the stars.
76. It is an oath, if you only knew, that is tremendous.
77. It is a noble Quran.
78. In a well-protected Book.
79. None can grasp it except the purified.
80. A revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
81. Is it this discourse that you take so lightly?
82. And you make it your livelihood to deny it?
83. So when it has reached the throat.
84. As you are looking on.
85. We are nearer to it than you are, but you do not see.
86. If you are not held to account.
87. Then bring it back, if you are truthful.
88. But if he is one of those brought near.
89. Then happiness, and flowers, and Garden of Delights.
90. And if he is one of those on the Right.
91. Then, "Peace upon you," from those on the Right.
92. But if he is one of the deniers, the mistaken.
93. Then a welcome of Inferno.
94. And burning in Hell.
95. This is the certain truth.
96. So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Magnificent

Quran in English Chapter 55

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. The Compassionate.
2. Has taught the Quran.
3. He created man.
4. And taught him clear expression.
5. The sun and the moon move according to plan.
6. And the stars and the trees prostrate themselves.
7. And the sky, He raised; and He set up the balance.
8. So do not transgress in the balance.
9. But maintain the weights with justice, and do not violate the balance.
10. And the earth; He set up for the creatures.
11. In it are fruits, and palms in clusters.
12. And grains in the blades, and fragrant plants.
13. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
14. He created man from hard clay, like bricks.
15. And created the jinn from a fusion of fire.
16. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
17. Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests.
18. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
19. He merged the two seas, converging together.
20. Between them is a barrier, which they do not overrun.
21. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
22. From them emerge pearls and coral.
23. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
24. His are the ships, raised above the sea like landmarks.
25. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
26. Everyone upon it is perishing.
27. But will remain the Presence of your Lord, Full of Majesty and Splendor.
28. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
29. Everyone in the heavens and the earth asks Him. Every day He is managing.
30. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
31. We will attend to you, O prominent two.
32. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
33. O society of jinn and humans! If you can pass through the bounds of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and pass. But you will not pass except with authorization.
34. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
35. You will be bombarded with flares of fire and brass, and you will not succeed.
36. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
37. When the sky splits apart, and becomes rose, like paint.
38. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
39. On that Day, no human and no jinn will be asked about his sins.
40. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
41. The guilty will be recognized by their marks; they will be taken by the forelocks and the feet.
42. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
43. This is Hell that the guilty denied.
44. They circulate between it and between a seething bath.
45. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
46. But for him who feared the standing of his Lord are two gardens.
47. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
48. Full of varieties.
49. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
50. In them are two flowing springs.
51. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
52. In them are fruits of every kind, in pairs.
53. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
54. Reclining on furnishings lined with brocade, and the fruits of the two gardens are near at hand.
55. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
56. In them are maidens restraining their glances, untouched before by any man or jinn.
57. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
58. As though they were rubies and corals.
59. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
60. Is the reward of goodness anything but goodness?
61. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
62. And beneath them are two gardens.
63. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
64. Deep green.
65. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
66. In them are two gushing springs.
67. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
68. In them are fruits, and date-palms, and pomegranates.
69. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
70. In them are good and beautiful ones.
71. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
72. Companions, secluded in the tents.
73. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
74. Whom no human has touched before, nor jinn.
75. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
76. Reclining on green cushions, and exquisite carpets.
77. So which of your Lord's marvels will you deny?
78. Blessed be the name of your Lord, Full of Majesty and Splendor.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Quran in 44 languages. Text, Audio, Easy to Use.

New Amazing Website: Quran with 100 Translations, 20 Recitations, in powerful modern interface. Side-by-side text, clear voices, synchronized text and audio. Bookmarks, night-mode, auto-scroll, scalable fonts, mobile-ready, and more.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Quran Chapter 20

In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
1. Ta, Ha.
2. We did not reveal the Quran to you to make you suffer.
3. But only as a reminder for him who fears.
4. A revelation from He who created the earth and the high heavens.
5. The Most Merciful; on the Throne He settled.
6. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and everything between them, and everything beneath the soil.
7. If you speak aloud-He knows the secret, and the most hidden.
8. God, there is no god but He, His are the Most Beautiful Names.
9. Has the story of Moses reached you?
10. When he saw a fire, he said to his family, "Stay; I have noticed a fire; Perhaps I can bring you a torch therefrom, or find some guidance by the fire."
11. Then, when he reached it, he was called, "O Moses.
12. I-I am your Lord. Take off your shoes. You are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.
13. I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed.
14. I-I am God. There is no God but I. So serve Me, and practice the prayer for My remembrance.
15. The Hour is coming-but I keep it almost hidden-so that each soul will be paid for what it endeavors.
16. And do not let him who denies it and follows his desire turn you away from it, lest you fall.
17. And what is that in your right-hand, O Moses?"
18. He said, "This is my staff. I lean on it, and herd my sheep with it, and I have other uses for it."
19. He said, "Throw it, O Moses."
20. So he threw it-thereupon it became a moving serpent.
21. He said, "Take hold of it, and do not fear. We will restore it to its original condition.
22. And press your hand to your side; it will come out white, without a blemish-another sign.
23. That We may show you some of Our greatest signs.
24. Go to Pharaoh; He has transgressed."
25. He said, "My Lord, put my heart at peace for me.
26. And ease my task for me.
27. And untie the knot from my tongue.
28. So they can understand my speech.
29. And appoint an assistant for me, from my family.
30. Aaron, my brother.
31. Strengthen me with him.
32. And have him share in my mission.
33. That we may glorify You much.
34. And remember You much.
35. You are always watching over us."
36. He said, "You are granted your request, O Moses.
37. We had favored you another time.
38. When We inspired your mother with the inspiration.
39. `Put him in the chest; then cast him into the river. The river will wash him to shore, where an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his will pick him up. And I have bestowed upon you love from Me, so that you may be reared before My eye.
40. When your sister walked along, and said, 'Shall I tell you about someone who will take care of him?' So We returned you to your mother, that she may be comforted, and not sorrow. And you killed a person, but We saved you from stress; and We tested you thoroughly. And you stayed years among the people of Median. Then you came back, as ordained, O Moses.
41. And I made you for Myself.
42. Go, you and your brother, with My signs, and do not neglect My remembrance.
43. Go to Pharaoh. He has tyrannized.
44. But speak to him nicely. Perhaps he will remember, or have some fear."
45. They said, "Lord, we fear he may persecute us, or become violent."
46. He said, "Do not fear, I am with you, I hear and I see.
47. Approach him and say, `We are the messengers of your Lord; so let the Children of Israel go with us, and do not torment them. We bring you a sign from your Lord, and peace be upon him who follows guidance.
48. It was revealed to us that the punishment falls upon him who disbelieves and turns away.'"
49. He said, "Who is your Lord, O Moses."
50. He said, "Our Lord is He who gave everything its existence, then guided it."
51. He said, "What about the first generations?"
52. He said, "Knowledge thereof is with my Lord, in a Book. My Lord never errs, nor does He forget."
53. He who made the earth a habitat for you; and traced in it routes for you; and sent down water from the sky, with which We produce pairs of diverse plants.
54. Eat and pasture your livestock. In that are signs for those with understanding.
55. From it We created you, and into it We will return you, and from it We will bring you out another time.
56. We showed him Our signs, all of them, but he denied and refused.
57. He said, "Did you come to us to drive us out of our land with your magic, O Moses?
58. We will produce for you magic like it; so make an appointment between us and you, which we will not miss-neither us, nor you-in a central place."
59. He said, "Your appointment is the day of the festival, so let the people be gathered together at mid-morning."
60. Pharaoh turned away, put together his plan, and then came back.
61. Moses said to them, "Woe to you. Do not fabricate lies against God, or He will destroy you with a punishment. He who invents lies will fail."
62. They disagreed among themselves over their affair, and conferred secretly.
63. They said, "These two are magicians who want to drive you out of your land with their magic, and to abolish your exemplary way of life.
64. So settle your plan, and come as one front. Today, whoever gains the upper hand will succeed."
65. They said, "O Moses, either you throw, or we will be the first to throw."
66. He said, "You throw." And suddenly, their ropes and sticks appeared to him, because of their magic, to be crawling swiftly.
67. So Moses felt apprehensive within himself.
68. We said, "Do not be afraid, you are the uppermost.
69. Now throw down what is in your right hand-it will swallow what they have crafted. What they have crafted is only a magician's trickery. But the magician will not succeed, no matter what he does."
70. And the magicians fell down prostrate. They said, "We have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses."
71. He said, "Did you believe in him before I have given you permission? He must be your chief, who has taught you magic. I will cut off your hands and your feet on alternate sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of the palm-trees. Then you will know which of us is more severe in punishment, and more lasting."
72. They said, "We will not prefer you to the proofs that have come to us, and Him who created us. So issue whatever judgment you wish to issue. You can only rule in this lowly life.
73. We have believed in our Lord, so that He may forgive us our sins, and the magic you have compelled us to practice. God is Better, and more Lasting."
74. Whoever comes to his Lord guilty, for him is Hell, where he neither dies nor lives.
75. But whoever comes to Him a believer, having worked righteousness-these will have the highest ranks.
76. The Gardens of Perpetuity, beneath which rivers flow, dwelling therein forever. That is the reward for him who purifies himself.
77. And We inspired Moses: "Travel by night with My servants, and strike for them a dry path across the sea, not fearing being overtaken, nor worrying."
78. Pharaoh pursued them with his troops, but the sea overwhelmed them, and completely engulfed them.
79. Pharaoh misled his people, and did not guide them.
80. O Children of Israel! We have delivered you from your enemy, and promised you by the right side of the Mount, and sent down to you manna and quails.
81. Eat of the good things We have provided for you, but do not be excessive therein, lest My wrath descends upon you. He upon whom My wrath descends has fallen.
82. And I am Forgiving towards him who repents, believes, acts righteously, and then remains guided.
83. "And what made you rush ahead of your people, O Moses?"
84. He said, "They are following in my footsteps; and I hurried on to You, my Lord, that you may be pleased."
85. He said, "We have tested your people in your absence, and the Samarian misled them."
86. So Moses returned to his people, angry and disappointed. He said, "O my people, did your Lord not promise you a good promise? Was the time too long for you? Or did you want wrath from your Lord to descend upon you, so you broke your promise to me?"
87. They said, "We did not break our promise to you by our choice, but we were made to carry loads of the people's ornaments, and we cast them in. That was what the Samarian suggested."
88. So he produced for them a calf-a mere body which lowed. And they said, "This is your god, and the god of Moses, but he has forgotten."
89. Did they not see that it cannot return a word to them, and has no power to harm them or benefit them?
90. Aaron had said to them before, "O my people, you are being tested by this. And your Lord is the Merciful, so follow me, and obey my command."
91. They said, "We will not give up our devotion to it, until Moses returns to us."
92. He said, "O Aaron, what prevented you, when you saw them going astray.
93. From following me? Did you disobey my command?"
94. He said, "Son of my mother, do not seize me by my beard or my head. I feared you would say, `You have caused division among the Children of Israel, and did not regard my word.'"
95. He said, "What do you have to say, O Samarian?"
96. He said, "I saw what they did not see, so I grasped a handful from the Messenger's traces, and I flung it away. Thus my soul prompted me."
97. He said, "Begone! Your lot in this life is to say, 'No contact.' And you have an appointment that you will not miss. Now look at your god that you remained devoted to-we will burn it up, and then blow it away into the sea, as powder."
98. Surely your god is God, the One besides whom there is no other god. He comprehends everything in knowledge.
99. Thus We narrate to you reports of times gone by; and We have given you a message from Our Presence.
100. Whoever turns away from it will carry on the Day of Resurrection a burden.
101. Abiding therein forever. And wretched is their burden on the Day of Resurrection.
102. On the Day when the Trumpet is blown-We will gather the sinners on that Day, blue.
103. Murmuring among themselves: "You have lingered only for ten."
104. We are fully aware of what they say, when the most exemplary of them in conduct will say, "You have lingered only a day."
105. And they ask you about the mountains. Say, "My Lord will crumble them utterly."
106. And leave them desolate waste.
107. You will see in them neither crookedness, nor deviation."
108. On that Day, they will follow the caller, without any deviation. Voices will be hushed before the Merciful, and you will hear nothing but murmur.  
109. On that Day, intercession will not avail, except for him permitted by the Merciful, and whose words He has approved.
110. He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend Him in their knowledge.
111. Faces will be humbled before the Living, the Eternal. Whoever carries injustice will despair.
112. But whoever has done righteous deeds, while being a believer-will fear neither injustice, nor grievance.
113. Thus We have revealed it an Arabic Quran, and We have diversified the warnings in it, that perhaps they would become righteous, or it may produce a lesson for them.
114. Exalted is God, the True King. Do not be hasty with the Quran before its inspiration to you is concluded, and say, "My Lord, increase me in knowledge."
115. And We covenanted with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found in him no resolve.
116. And when We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam." They bowed down, except for Satan; he refused.
117. We said, "O Adam, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. So do not let him make you leave the Garden, for then you will suffer.
118. In it you will never go hungry, nor be naked.
119. Nor will you be thirsty in it, nor will you swelter."
120. But Satan whispered to him. He said, "O Adam, shall I show you the Tree of Immortality, and a kingdom that never decays?"
121. And so they ate from it; whereupon their bodies became visible to them, and they started covering themselves with the leaves of the Garden. Thus Adam disobeyed his Lord, and fell.
122. But then his Lord recalled him, and pardoned him, and guided him.
123. He said, "Go down from it, altogether; some of you enemies of some others. But whenever guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance, will not go astray, nor suffer.
124. But whoever turns away from My Reminder, for him is a confined life. And We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection blind."
125. He will say, "My Lord, why did You raise me blind, though I was seeing?"
126. He will say, "Just as Our revelations came to you, and you forgot them, today you will be forgotten."
127. Thus We recompense him who transgresses and does not believe in the revelations of his Lord. The punishment of the Hereafter is more severe, and more lasting.
128. Is it not instructive to them, how many generations before them We destroyed, in whose settlements they walk? Surely in that are signs for people of understanding.
129. Were it not for a word that issued from your Lord, the inevitable would have happened, but there is an appointed term.
130. So bear patiently what they say, and celebrate the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun, and before its setting. And during the hours of the night glorify Him, and at the borders of the day, that you may be satisfied.
131. And do not extend your glance towards what We have given some classes of them to enjoy-the splendor of the life of this world-that We may test them thereby. Your Lord's provision is better, and more lasting.
132. And exhort your people to pray, and patiently adhere to it. We ask of you no sustenance, but it is We who sustain you. The good ending is that for righteousness.
133. And they say, "Why does he not bring us a miracle from his Lord?" Were they not given enough miracles in the former scriptures?
134. Had We destroyed them with a punishment before him, they would have said, "Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger, we would have followed Your revelations before we were humiliated and disgraced."
135. Say, "Everybody is waiting, so wait. You will know who the people of the straight path are, and who is rightly-guided.